Category Archives: Yu Darvish

Baseball Player Darvish announces marriage with Saeko


After the team’s game against Rakuten Eagles on the 9th, on the baseball field, Nippon Ham (Baseball Team) Player Darvish Yuu (ダルビッシュ有 (20) announced that he is currently dating and will marry actress Saeko (サエコ, 20) in early autumn. The two met during a friends birthday party, and started dating in early Spring. There were rumors and scadals zooming across Japanese papers about their relationship, and they finally let it out!Additionally, Saeko is pregnant with their baby. oh geez, the marriage age just seems to get lower and lower by the day!

P.S. Yuu Darvish is one of the fastest (REALLY ZOOOM) pitcher for the Nippon Ham Fighters. The team is currently ranked 2nd after the Tokyo Giants (1st).

日本ハムのダルビッシュ有投手(20)が9日の楽天戦後、女優のサエコさん(20)と今オフをめどに結婚することを明らかにした。ダルビッシュ投手は 「僕は今、サエコさんと結婚を前提におつきあいさせていただいてます」と試合後のインタビューで話した。宮城・東北高出身のダルビッシュ投手はプロ2年目 の昨季、44年ぶりの日本一に貢献。サエコさんはドラマや映画に出演している。2人は知人の誕生日会をきっかけに知り合い、今春から交際をスタートし、サ エコさんはすでに妊娠しているという。

darvish announcing it: